Dear GTA fan, please read the FXT2TXT.TXT file included in the archive. It contains step-by-step instructions. Caution: Do not use the DOS EDIT program, because that will do strange things to the file, and it will not work. Use any windows editor or perhaps other DOS editors. If you do not have the CD, make a backup of your original FXT file. If you have the CD , it is not necessary because you can always copy the FXT file from there. Keep in mind that FXT2TXT is a DOS program, requiring you to use the DOS command line. If you have never done so, chances are your problems will go away if you learn something about it first. ------------------------------------------------------------- If you ran Fxt2txt.exe from explorer by double-clicking on it, then typed "fxt2txt < english.fxt > english.txt" and saw something like "IxBnp-ews=dmfkhrg sws", here's the fix: You actually started FXT2TXT without any parameters. The program reads from standard input (normally the keyboard) and writes to standard output (normally the screen), so it thinks "fxt2txt < english.fxt > english.txt" is the input and converts that to the output you're seeing. What you need to do is a) start a MSDOS prompt (if you can't find it, use "Execute..." and enter COMMAND ) b) type "C:\download\fxt2txt.exe < c:\gta\gtadata\english.fxt > c:\download\english.txt" all on one line; replace the paths (e.g. "c:\gta\gtadata") with the correct ones for your computer. c) Press enter! That's it! Alternately, a) copy fxt2txt.exe and fxt2txt.bat in the gtadata directory b) doubleclick on fxt2txt.bat ---------------------------------------------------------------- If you still have problems, please provide a detailed description of your problem and I'll be glad to help. Michael